Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Storytelling - Week 1

THERE were two birds sat on a stone,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;

One flew away, and then there was one,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;

The other flew after, and then there was none,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de;

And so the poor stone was left all alone,

Fa, la, la, la, lal, de!

Two little birds were sitting on a stone. One was named squeak and one was named squawk.
The stone was next to a pond and the pond was next to a tree. The little bird's nests were in the tree. Their mothers, fathers, and siblings were inside.
Every night they sat on the stone until their mothers made them come inside. They were best friends; they had been since they were first born. 

There they sat, on their favorite stone, talking about their day.
One bird talked about how he flew over a river. "it was beautiful," he said "and it went on forever."
The other bird talked about how he had eaten bread thrown to him at a local park. "the people were very friendly, I will go back tomorrow," he said excitedly.
They agreed to go to both the river and the park together the next day. 

Then one birds mom began calling him from the nest. She had a mouth full of worms and it was time for him to come home. "Come in for dinner, Squeak!" The first little bird left, leaving only one little bird and the stone. 

There the other little bird sat, waiting for his mom to call him inside. After a couple minutes she comes out of the nest calling for her baby, "come inside squawk, it's getting dark out!" He flew to her; he wouldn't dare disobey his mother. 

The stone was left alone, but not for long. For the two little birds would be back the next night to talk about their day. 

Authors note:
This story is based on the nursery rhyme "There Were Two Birds Sitting on a Stone" which is quoted there in the story; you can find the rhyme inThe Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Lang (1897).
I decided to make the two little birds best friends, who sat on the stone every night and talked about their day. One bird talks about how he had flown over a river that day; the other bird talks about how he had gone to a park and eaten bread. 
I got the names from my mom. I live on a lake and there are two ducks who live in my backyard; my mom named them squeak and squawk. This rhyme reminded me of them because they are always together, it seems as though they never leave each other's side. 


  1. This story was just all kinds of cute. Squeak and Squawk and BBF4L (that's best bird friends for life)--well done. I've actually never heard this nursery rhyme before, but I didn't really grow up in a house with nursery rhymes, so it's no surprise. By the way it's written, I would assume it is a folk song of some kind. It's always fun to try and put your own melodies to old songs like this, which I always tried to do when reading the Lord of the Rings books. :P

    I enjoyed your story. I'm sure I'll read some more of your assignments in the future, so keep up the good work!

  2. What a sweet story! I love how you how turned the two birds into best friends, and also brought hope for the next day when they would return to the stone so it wouldn't be left all alone! I thought it was really cool how you came up with the names, squeak and squawk! I like how you turned a little nursery rhyme with little meaning, into a story with real characters. Great job!

  3. I really liked your story, so please don't take my next comment as me saying you did a bad job. I wish you would have brought more imagination to this story. You could have made the birds be clouds or humans or dogs in your story, but you merely elaborated on the nursery rhyme in a way. I know this is constructive criticism here, but I just wanted to let you know that you have so many options in this class and in your writing! Your writing was very lovely, I just wish there had been more. Please don't hate me!
