Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reading Diary A - Week 9

This week we begin Narayan's Mahabharata. (pg:1-39)

Shantanu- king who rules from Hastinapura
He marries a women with the promise to not question her actions.

She drowns each of their children.
He finds out that she is the river Ganga reincarnated.
She takes the eight child into the river and returns when he is grown.

His is known as Bhishma.

The king then falls in love with Satyavati (fisherman's daughter)

Bhishma renounces his claim to the throne and his right to have children of his own.

Chitrangada and Vichitravirya- Satyavati and Shantanu's sons

Chitrangada dies after ruling for a brief time.
Bhishma finds women for Vichitravirya to marry. 

Ambika and Ambalika- wives of Vichitravirya - daughters of neighboring king
Amba- other daughter who is sent away to marry another king. However, he rejects her.
Ambra declares revenge on Bhishma.

Vichitravirya dies without any sons.

Vyasa- Satyavati's son

Dhritarashtra- Ambika and Vyasa's son
Pandu- Ambalika and Vyasa's son
Vidura- Ambalika's maid and Vyasa's son

Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari
Pandu marries Kunti and Madri

Karna- son of Kunti and Surya (sun God) 

Pandu's 5 children:
Yudhishthira- son of Kunti and Yama (God of Death) 
Bhima- son of Kunti and Vayu (God of wind)
Arjuna- son of Kunti and Indra (storm-God)
Sahadeva and Nakula- sons of Madri and Ashwins (twin-Gods)

Kauravas- Dhritarasthtra's one-hundred sons

Pandu dies making love to Madri, who goes with him.
Kunti is left alone to raise the 5 children.

Kunti and the sons move to Hastinapura to live with the Kauravas and Dhritarasthtra. 

Drona- Royal guru for all the children; he trains them.

The Pandava's (Pandu's sons) move to live in the House of Joy built by Purochana (agent of Duryodhana)

They set the house of fine and leave, making everyone think they've died.
They retreat to the forest with Kunti.

Ghatotkacha- son of Bhima and Hidimbi (sister of the rakshasa)

King Drupada holds a contest for his daughters (Draupadi) hand in marriage.
Arjuna wins.

She ends up marrying all 5 brothers because they always share what they have.

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