Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reading Diary B: Attacking Lanka - Week 6

Once Rama learns of Sita's safety and loyalty, he and he allies head towards Lanka.

Samudra- water king

They cross the ocean using floating rocks.

Vibhishana, Ravana's brother, tries to convince Ravana to return Suta. However, Ravana refuses.
Vibhishana decides to retreat with Rama. Rama accepts him. Vibhishana agrees to help but says he will not fight.

Shuka- Ravana's minister- a hawk
Angada- Sugriva's nephew

Shuka spies on Rama and goes to tell Ravana what is happening. Ravana sends two demons to spy on Rama and his allies.
I am surprised that Rama and his allies let Ravana know what is going to happen, it seems like they would have the upper-hand if they didn't.

Vibhishana captues the spies and brings them to Rama.

Lightening-Tounge and Thunder-Tooth - Ravana's magician
Ravan tries to fool Sita by showing her Rama's head on a stake.She falls for it.
That is, until Prahasta comes in and announces Rama's arrival.

Trijata, the nice rakshasi, agrees to keep Sita in the know.

Phahasta is killed trying to fight Rama and his army at night.

Ravana decides to bring his brother Kumbhakarna in who tries to convince Ravana to give Sita back.
Again, he refuses.

Kumbhakarna is defeated when he agrees to fight Rama. Rama cuts his head off.

Now Indrajit goes to fight Rama's army. He kills Sugriva, Angada, Nala, Rama, and Lakshmana.
This was surprising.

Luckily, medicinal herbs are able to bring back Rama and everyone else.

I found it very honorable that everyone had a chance to leave at this point, yet everyone stayed by Rama's side.

Trijata, aware of the news of Rama's death, does not believe it and assures Sita it cannot be true.
Sita acknowledges that it is Hanuman's love for Rama that keeps them going.

Dharma- behaviors associated with what is right.

Indrajit agrees to help his father again. He tries to trick them by killing an illusion of Sita in front of Hanuman.

Indrajit challenges Lakshmana and eventually Indrajit is defeated.

Ravana learns of his son's death and (finally) decides it is his turn to fight.

I found it interesting that Ravana sent everyone before him whereas Rama was always there with his army ready to fight.

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